




Hi, i'm required to work on GRETA Regular Expression Library, provided by Microsoft Research. I was unable to compile and run the sample program, when used cl.exe provided with Visual Studio 2008. It gave some errors like

D:\greta\greta-2.6.4>cl /EHsc num_match.cpp Microsoft (R) 32-bit C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version 15.00.21022.08 for 80x86 Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

num_match.cpp d:\greta\greta-2.6.4\restack.h(355) : warning C4346: 'regex::hetero_stack::stack_nod e::header' : dependent name is not a type prefix with 'typename' to indicate a type d:\greta\greta-2.6.4\restack.h(854) : see reference to class template in stantiation 'regex::hetero_stack' being compiled d:\greta\greta-2.6.4\restack.h(355) : error C2923: 'regex::hetero_stack::aligned_siz eof' : 'regex::hetero_stack::stack_node::header' is not a valid template type argume nt for parameter 'T'

Can any body help me to get started with GRETA.