



I have created a class like so:

function MyClass()
    var myInt = 1;

MyClass.prototype.EventHandler = function(e)

Unfortunately, the this is the triggered event (in my casss an tag), and i can't access the class properties.

Any suggestions?

+1  A: 

It depends on how you are giving your event handler when registering the event.

The following code

element.addEventListener("click", myObject.EventHandler);

will not do what you want.

Javascript does not handle delegates like C# would for example, so myObject.EventHandler is not the EventHandler method called for myObject.

If you want to call a method on an object as an event handler, the best is to wrap it into a function.

element.addEventListener("click", function(event)
Vincent Robert
Thanks for the answer, although i had to tweak it a bit:attaching the event was made inside the scope of the class (myObject) so myObject.EventHandler is unknown.Instead, before attaching the event i added to the element a property with the 'this' (element.myObj=this);and now i can access the obj
+2  A: 

JavaScript doesn't actually have classes. MyClass is the constructor for an object whose prototype is the object MyClass.prototype.

The this keyword can be confusing to understand; its value in a function depends on what object the function is called as a property of.

If you want to be able to call a method of an object from an event handler, you should use a function closure like Vincent Robert suggests.

I suggest you check out these links for more information about this:


function MyClass()
    var myInt = 1;

This constructor sets a local variable within the function which is not accessible from outside of the function. If you want to initialize a property of the object, you need to use this.myInt = 1. This value will only be set on objects constructed by new MyClass(), however, and not on the MyClass function object itself.

+3  A: 

"vars" declared in the constructor function will not be available on other public functions, they are considered as "private members".

You could use this.myInt = 1 to make the member public, and available to all the class methods:

function MyClass(){
    this.myInt = 1;  // Public member

MyClass.prototype.EventHandler = function(e){

or you could have a "privileged" method, to access the "private" member on the constructor scope:

function MyClass(){
    var myInt = 1; // Private member

    this.getMyInt = function(){  // Public getter
        return myInt;

MyClass.prototype.EventHandler = function(e){

Recommended lecture: Private Members in JavaScript (Douglas Crockford)

but doesn't the 'this' object will reference the <a> tag when the EventHandler function will be called?

Assuming you replace var myInt with this.myInt, you can reference it as MyClass.myInt from within MyClass.prototype.EventHandler without worry about what this refers to.
