Hi there,
is there any event to be handled between the dom:loaded and load using Prototype javascript framework?
I've implemented a preloader using prototype which is looking like this:
function preload(){
setTimeout('$("loading").fade({duration: 5.0});',4000);
then I've an another handler using for column height fixatioan which is:
var bottomExtraOffset = (Prototype.Browser.IE) ? 100 : 130;
if(parseInt($$('.col1')[0].getStyle('height')) > parseInt($$('.col2')[0].getStyle('height')))
$('wrapper').setStyle({'height' : parseInt($$('.col1')[0].getStyle('height'))+bottomExtraOffset+'px'});
$('wrapper').setStyle({'height' : parseInt($$('.col2')[0].getStyle('height'))+bottomExtraOffset+'px'});
It's working pretty nice in any browser but IE! It seems that IE is not appending the second handler to the onload handlers list, so when the first one is trying to get height of any of columns it returns 0 coz it's still displayed as none.
is there any other event than load & dom:loaded to be handled and get me outta this!?