I'm trying to use the Microsoft Debug Interface Access SDK from C#. This is installed with Visual Studio, but the docs don't seem to mention how you use this from C#.
I've found example code on interweb but no information on how to link to the DIA SDK. I.e. I can't import it as an assembly. I don't think I have to include it into a managed C++ application and use it as COM (that would be hell).
There is an IDL file, is this the correct way? If so, how?
Edit: The following will create the type library for use as a referenced assembly. Paste into a batch file.
call "%VS80COMNTOOLS%\vsvars32.bat"
midl /I "%VSINSTALLDIR%\DIA SDK\include" "%VSINSTALLDIR%\DIA SDK\idl\dia2.idl" /tlb dia2.tlb
tlbimp dia2.tlb