I followed these steps to create a "Differencing Disks" of the WSSv3 demo VHD from microsoft. Well some time has passed, forgot that it was a "differencing" disk and upon defragging, the VUD (Virtual Undo Disk) expanded to consume the remainder of the free space on my hard drive.
Other then committing these changes back to the original VHD file, is they any other way for me to shrink a VUD.
Unfortunaelty the change history seems to keep every change to a file, even file fragmentation (why).
org -> verA -> verB -> verC -> verD -> verE -> current.
A tool would be nice to collapse the history tree to something like org -> current and drop/ignore the change history in between as well as defragement the change log for optimization.
First, Sorry for the extensions to my questions
Second, Is it possible to shrink a differential disk by merging it with its differential parent disk.
-> Child.VHD (Differential)
-> Grandchild.VHD (Differential)
In merging the Grandchild with the Child would the size be [Child Size] + [GrandChild Size] or would it be something like [Child Size] + [Size of Actual File Differences in Grandchild]?
Thanks again.