



Does anyone see anything wrong with this:


this is a class which extends user control. When I step through this section of code it looks like everything is fine, however nothing happens to the form. I would expect the control to be gone.



+1  A: 

this.Controls is the collection of Controls existing within your usercontrol. "this" would not exist inside that collection, as "this" is the parent.

I think you want to find the form object, and do myForm.Controls.Remove(this).

+3  A: 

Nothing happens because it doesnt find 'this' in the controls collection of 'this'

If your scope is within the Control itself, you would want to do


but it all depends on what type of control and in what type of container. but the above should work in most cases.


If you know your control belongs to a form, you can do the following, or replace Form with the known container type (i.e. a panel)

Neil N
+3  A: 

Other responses are right to point out that you're not using the correct collection.

However, I will point out that a control which removes itself from the page is not what I would consider "expected behavior" from any control. Overriding the Render method (or setting the Visible property to false) would have the same result and with a lot less opportunity to confuse whoever will be maintaining that code in the future.

Ken Browning
this is the code attached to the remove button for this widget...seems like a fair place, but point taken either way
+1  A: 

As mentioned, you're removing the control from itself...that's not likely what you want. I assume you want to remove the control from it's parent - so you probably want this.Parent.Controls.Remove(this);.

Luckily, since you didn't mention platform, the code is the same for WebForms or WinForms.

Mark Brackett

I ended up using this code:
