read a lot about DataAdapter, DataTable ,.. to reach to this code, in the Save Button:
'insert new row
ds.Tables("Employees").Rows.Add(ENumTxt.Text, ENameTxt.Text, EPosTxt.Text,
EAgeTxt.Text, ESalTxt.Text, EPhonTxt.Text, EAdrsTxt.Text)
'save changes
If ds.HasChanges Then
Dim AffectedDS As DataSet = ds.GetChanges(DataRowState.Added)
'im ComBuilder As New OleDb.OleDbCommandBuilder(da)
da.InsertCommand = ComBuilder.GetInsertCommand
da.Update(AffectedDS, "Employees")
End If
Catch e1 As OleDb.OleDbException
End Try
=============================================================================== Then I tried this:
Dim cb As New OleDb.OleDbCommandBuilder(da)
' Insert a new record in the DataSet
Dim r As DataRow = ds.Tables("Employees").NewRow()
r("EID") = ENumTxt.Text
r("EName") = ENameTxt.Text
r("Age") = EAgeTxt.Text
r("Salary") = ESalTxt.Text
r("EPhone") = EPhonTxt.Text
r("EAddress") = EAdrsTxt.Text
' Insert the record even in the database
' Align in-memory data with the data source ones
In run time, i got the same error message for both cases
"Syntax error in INSERT INTO statement"
Please give me some guidlines to fix this error.