



The output of the datagrid doesn't include the thead and tbody elements required for the jquery tablesorter to work.

E.g. it looks like this:

  <tr>this is my header row</tr>
  <tr>content row 1</tr>
  <tr>content row 2</tr>
  <tr>content row 3</tr>
  <tr>content row n</tr>

and it needs to look like this:

   <tr>this is my header row</tr>
   <tr>content row 1</tr>
   <tr>content row 2</tr>
   <tr>content row 3</tr>
   <tr>content row n</tr>

I knocked up the following javascript to dynamically insert them, but the table is still not sortable. I've confirmed that if I manually insert the thead and tbody tags directly into the output html, the table is sortable, but when I try to do it using the DOM, it doesn't seem to work.

What am I missing?

   var tbl = document.getElementById('mytableid');

   // new header and body elements to be inserted
   var tblHead = document.createElement('thead');
   var tblBody = document.createElement('tbody');
   // get the first row and the remainder
   var headerRow = $(tbl).find('tr:first')
   var bodyRows  = $(tbl).find('tr:not(:first)');

   // remove the original rows

   // add the rows to the header and body respectively

   // add the head and body into the table

   // apply the tablesorter

EDIT: I actually solved the problem before I posted the question, but I thought I'd go ahead and post it anyway, as it may be useful to others... See my answer below.

+4  A: 

Apparently, a phantom <tbody> element appears in the output. The trick is to ensure that it is removed before adding in the generated ones... Hopefully this will be useful to someone!

   var tbl = document.getElementById('mytableid');

   // new header and body elements to be inserted
   var tblHead = document.createElement('thead');
   var tblBody = document.createElement('tbody');
   // get the first row and the remainder
   var headerRow = $(tbl).find('tr:first')
   var bodyRows  = $(tbl).find('tr:not(:first)');

   // remove the original rows

   // remove any existing thead/tbody elements

   // add the rows to the header and body respectively

   // add the head and body into the table

   // apply the tablesorter
Andrew Rollings

The above code still doesn't address the cells in the header. To convert them from tags to tags you can add this:

$('thead tr td').each(function(i) { $(this).replaceWith("<th>" + $(this).html() + "<\/th>"); });

It's been a while since I did this, but I think I may have tried that and found that the table sorter didn't like it...
Andrew Rollings