I want to fill items in a combobox, each of them has different behaviour. Yes I know I could simply create 3 classes deriving from a base class. But my question is kind of "is there another way" and "what is possible". In Java one can do "new MyClass(){public void overriddenmethod(){...} }" but in C# we can not, can we?
Now I use a lambda to define a method on the fly but the problem is that I later want the new XxxFormatter() as instance variable of that object. Since the XxxFormatters share no common base class I cannot put them as a single field in the SerializingHelper class.
Do you have any Ideas?
public delegate void SerializingHandler(Stream s, object o);
class SerializingHelper
public string Name { get; set; }
public SerializingHandler Serializer { get; set; }
comboFormat.Items.AddRange(new object[]
new SerializingHelper{ Name = "Binary",
Serializer = (s,o)=>new BinaryFormatter().Serialize(s,o),
new SerializingHelper{ Name = "Soap",
Serializer = (s,o)=>new SoapFormatter().Serialize(s,o),
new SerializingHelper{ Name = "Xml",
Serializer = (s,o)=>new XmlSerializer(typeof(KontaktpartnerData), new Type[]
{typeof(ArrayList), typeof(KontaktPartner)}).Serialize(s,o), }