Visual studio type library
I'm trying from Delphi to open up Visual Studio (for editing SSRS reports), and load up a particular projectitem from a solution file I have autogenerated.
I have imported the visual studio type library, and can create the object, and drill through the solution until I have the right ProjectItem
objDTE := CreateOleObject('VisualStudio.DTE') as DTE;
However I am now at the point where I have the ProjectItem, and want to do the following
Unfortunately vsViewKindDesigner is some sort of constant that I can't find a type library for, and it must relate to a particular Guid underneath.
Any ideas where I can import this type library from in order to use this constant in the ProjectItem.Open method?
ProjectItem = interface(IDispatch)
.... etc
function Open(const ViewKind: WideString): Window; safecall;
.... etc