



I have a Windows service that uses the producer/consumer queue model with multiple worker threads processing tasks off a queue. These tasks can be very long running, in the order of many minutes if not hours, and do not involve loops.

My question is about the best way to handle the service stop to gracefully end processing on these worker threads. I have read in another SO question that using thread.Abort() is a sign of bad design, but it seems that the service OnStop() method is only given a limited amount of time to finish before the service is terminated. I can do sufficient clean-up in the catch for ThreadAbortException (there is no danger of inconsistent state) so calling thread.Abort() on the worker threads seems OK to me. Is it? What are the alternatives?

+3  A: 

Indeed, Abort should be avoided. It would be best to give them some time to exit gracefully - then perhaps after a timeout, maybe consider aborting them - but ultimately, service stop can do that just the same by killing the process instead.

I would try to have a signal in my queues that says "flush and exit" - much like the Close method here, but with some kind of signal when complete.

If you resort to Abort - consider the process fatally wounded. Kill it ASAP.

Marc Gravell
The worker process is very long running (I've clarified this in the question) so waiting is usually not an option.
Rob West
+4  A: 

Create a task type for "shutdown" and inject that into your producer/consumer queue once for each worker thread.

Then use Thread.Join (with a timeout) to ensure shutdown has completed.

The worker process is very long running so putting messages on the queue will not work most of the time (I'm doing this anyway just in case)
Rob West
So the flag approach is likely better, and then the jobs need to check this flag regularly (and, possibly, save the remainder of the job).

Use ManualResetEvent to check if event is signalized, see sample at Thread Synchronization (C# Programming Guide)

I might have the wrong end of the stick but I don't think this helps - if the worker thread is doing the long running section of code then it will not pick up the ManualResetEvent until it calls WaitOne().
Rob West
ok, but yours threads have to check if event has arrived at time after time, in other form killing the thread is wrong. Your design of thread has to prevent shout down correctly and release all resources.

As already mentioned, Abort() is bad karma and should be avoided.

For such long running processes as you describe there are presumably loops. These loops should all include an exit flag in their loop condition so that you can signal them to exit.

bool _run; //member of service class

//in OnStart
_run = true;

//in a method on some other thread
while ((yourLoopCondition) & _run) 
  //do stuff
  foreach (thing in things) 
    //do more stuff
    if (!_run) break;
if (!_run) CleanUp();

//in OnStop
_run = false;

Strictly you ought to use volatiles but since only the control logic ever sets the flag it doesn't matter. Technically a race condition exists but that just means you might go round one more time.

Peter Wone
Long running threads are possible without loops. I had this problem with network connections and external processes. (And I'm still looking for a good solution to stop the threads.)
Yep, totally agree my long running process does not involve any looping so this solution is not an option.
Rob West
What on EARTH are you doing that takes a long time without loops, copying a huge file?
Peter Wone
If you can't signal to stop then Abort is your only option. Get ready to do some ugly cleanup.
Peter Wone

Here's a code I use for stopping threads in a Windows service (mind you I use Threads directly and not using thread pools):

// signal all threads to stop

if (logThreads.IsDebugEnabled)
 logThreads.Debug ("Stop workers");

// remember the time of the signal
DateTime signalTime = DateTime.Now;

// create an array of workers to be stopped
List<IServiceWorker> workersToBeStopped = new List<IServiceWorker> (workers);

while (true)
 // wait for some time
 Thread.Sleep (1000);

 // go through the list and see if any workers have stopped
 int i = 0;
 while (i < workersToBeStopped.Count)
  IServiceWorker workerToBeStopped = workersToBeStopped [i];

  if (log.IsDebugEnabled)
   log.Debug (String.Format (System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture,
    "Stopping worker '{0}'. Worker state={1}",

  bool stopped = workerToBeStopped.JoinThread (TimeSpan.Zero);

  // if stopped, remove it from the list
  if (stopped)
   workersToBeStopped.RemoveAt (i);
   if (log.IsDebugEnabled)
    log.Debug (String.Format (System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture,
     "Worker '{0}' was stopped.", workerToBeStopped.WorkerDescription));
   if (log.IsDebugEnabled)
    log.Debug (String.Format (System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture,
     "Worker '{0}' could not be stopped, will try again later. Worker state={1}",

 // if all workers were stopped, exit from the loop
 if (workersToBeStopped.Count == 0)

 // check if the duration of stopping has exceeded maximum time
 DateTime nowTime = DateTime.Now;
 TimeSpan duration = nowTime - signalTime;

 if (duration > serviceCustomization.ThreadTerminationMaxDuration)
  // execute forced abortion of all workers which have not stopped
  foreach (IServiceWorker worker in workersToBeStopped)
    log.Warn (String.Format (System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture,
     "Aborting worker '{0}.", worker.WorkerDescription));
    worker.Abort ();
    log.Warn (String.Format (System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture,
     "Worker '{0}' aborted.", worker.WorkerDescription));
   catch (ThreadStateException ex)
    log.Warn (String.Format (System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture,
     "Worker '{0}' could not be aborted.", worker.WorkerDescription), ex);
Igor Brejc

If your process is being shutdown anyway, I personally don't see the problem with using Abort(). I would try to find another way, but in the end, it doesn't matter if you'll be doing clean-up in the main thread anyway.

Another option would be to mark your worker threads as background threads. That way, they'll close automatically when the process closes. You might be able to use the AppDomain.ProcessExit event to clean up before exiting.

Matt Davis

Hi, a good approach may be to postpone stopping/shutting down the service until the service completes all its multi-threaded processing. Only Question can we do that? Also I have read somewhere that we can request some time before the windows service shuts/stops? Thanks in advance


With .NET 4.0 you can utilize the System.Threading.Tasks namespace to take advantage of the Task object. In a nutshell, you can assign a CancellationToken to more gracefully handle cancellations/aborts in tasks, be it long or short running.

See here for more details from MSDN.
