




Hi All

how can I query an xml file where I have multiple items with the same name, so that I can get all items back. Currently I only get the first result back. I managed to get it to work with the following code, but this returns all items where the specific search criteria is met. What I want as output is to get two results back where the location is Dublin for example. The question is how can I achieve this with linq to xml

Cheers Chris,

Here is the code

string location = "Oslo";    
var training = (from item in doc.Descendants("item")
                         where item.Value.Contains(location)

                      select  new
                             event = item.Element("event").Value,
                             event_location = item.Element("location").Value

The xml file looks like this

      <event>C# Training</event>
        <event>LINQ Training</event>
+3  A: 

You're using item.Element("location") which returns the first location element under the item. That's not necessarily the location you were looking for!

I suspect you actually want something more like:

string location = "Oslo";
var training = from loc in doc.Descendants("location")
               where loc.Value == location
               select new
                   event = loc.Parent.Element("event").Value,
                   event_location = loc.Value

But then again, what value does event_location then provide, given that it's always going to be the location you've passed into the query?

If this isn't what you want, please give more details - your question is slightly hard to understand at the moment. Details of what your current code gives and what you want it to give would be helpful - as well as what you mean by "name" (in that it looks like you actually mean "value").

EDIT: Okay, so it sounds like you want:

string location = "Oslo";
var training = from loc in doc.Descendants("location")
               where loc.Value == location
               select new
                   event = loc.Parent.Element("event").Value,
                   event_locations = loc.Parent.Elements("location")
                                               .Select(e => e.Value)

event_locations will now be a sequence of strings. You can get the output you want with:

for (var entry in training)
     Console.WriteLine("Event: {0}; Locations: {1}",
                       string.Join(", ", entry.event_locations.ToArray());

Give that a try and see if it's what you want...

Jon Skeet
Hi Jon, thanks for the reply, I tried your code, but it gives the same result. I posted a more detailed description of what I would like to do. Cheers Chris
Hi Jon, thanks again for your help, what I've seemed to miss was the Parent.Element part. Now it's working...

This might not be the most efficient way of doing it, but this query works:

var training = (from item in root.Descendants("item")
                where item.Value.Contains(location)
                select new
                    name = item.Element("event").Value,
                    location = (from node in item.Descendants("location")
                               where node.Value.Equals(location)
                               select node.Value).FirstOrDefault(),

(Note that the code wouldn't compile if the property name was event, so I changed it to name.)

I believe the problem with your code was that the location node retrieved when creating the anonymous type didn't search for the node with the desired value.


Hi Jon, Andy,

thanks for the reply. What I'm trying to do, is to query an event sheet based on the location. The result should be a list of events that match the searched city.

For example: Location Search String "Oslo"

Event: C# Training Location: Oslo, Prague, Amsterdam, etc.


Event: Linq Training Location: Bucharest, Oslo, Amsterdam, Helsinki, etc.


Event: C# Advanced Training Location: Munich, Kopenhagen, Rome, Oslo, etc.

The results I currently get when searching for the city, is the first item only (c# code: ... where item.Element("title").Value == location ... ) In this case the "C# Training", or depending on the code all Items where the location string is in (c# code: where item.Value.Contains(location) ). What I want to get back is two events.

Hope this makes it a little bit clearer where I'm stuck at.

cheers, Chris

I've edited my answer to hopefully solve the problem.
Jon Skeet