Is there a way in vim to close all files (buffers, let's not get into that) from some directory and its subdirectories?
Put the following into your .vimrc or in some custom file inside vim plugin folder.
function! s:close_buffers(name_regexp)
for buffer_number in range(1, bufnr('$'))
if !buflisted(buffer_number)
let name = fnamemodify(bufname( buffer_number ), ':p')
if name =~ a:name_regexp
exec 'bdelete '.buffer_number
command! -nargs=1 CloseBuffers call s:close_buffers(<f-args>)
Use commands like
:CloseBuffers include
:CloseBuffers in.*e
to close buffers which name matches passed regexp.
That means that to close all files from the certain folder you can use
:CloseBuffers workspace/cpp
:CloseBuffers /home/my/project
To close all the files from the current dir and all subdirs
:exec "CloseBuffers ".getcwd()
Mykola Golubyev
2009-04-01 16:02:54
You can do it this way fairly concisely:
:silent! bufdo if expand('%')=~"some_regex"|bd|endif
Or if you want absolute pathnames instead of relative:
:silent! bufdo if expand('%:p')=~"some_regex"|bd|endif
Or if you want it to prompt you for the regex interactively you could set this up as a mapping:
:let regex=input("> ")|silent! bufdo if expand('%:p')=~regex|bd|endif
etc. etc.
Brian Carper
2009-04-01 20:54:21