Armed with the knowledge of which tables to get (thanks Sten) and a bit of judicious editing, I have come up with a query which serves my needs:
SELECT SUBSTR(e.profile_option_name,1,30) PROFILE,
DECODE(a.level_id,10001,'Site',10002,'Application',10003,'Responsibility',10004,'User') L,
DECODE(a.level_id,10001,'Site',10002,c.application_short_name,10003,b.responsibility_name,10004,d.user_name) LValue,
NVL(a.profile_option_value,'Is Null') Value,
SUBSTR(a.last_update_date,1,25) UPDATED_DATE
FROM fnd_profile_option_values a
INNER JOIN fnd_profile_options e ON a.profile_option_id = e.profile_option_id
LEFT OUTER JOIN fnd_responsibility_tl b ON a.level_value = b.responsibility_id
LEFT OUTER JOIN fnd_application c ON a.level_value = c.application_id
LEFT OUTER JOIN fnd_user d ON a.level_value = d.user_id
WHERE e.profile_option_name LIKE '%&1%'
ORDER BY profile_option_name;