How do I take a DataTable and convert it to a List?
I've included some code below in both C# and VB.NET, the issue with both of these is that we create a new object to return the data, which is very costly. I need to return a reference to the object.
The DataSetNoteProcsTableAdapters.up_GetNoteRow object does implement the INote interface.
I am using ADO.NET, along with .NET 3.5
c# code
public static IList<INote> GetNotes()
DataSetNoteProcsTableAdapters.up_GetNoteTableAdapter adapter =
new DataSetNoteProcsTableAdapters.up_GetNoteTableAdapter();
DataSetNoteProcs.up_GetNoteDataTable table =
new DataSetNoteProcs.up_GetNoteDataTable();
IList<INote> notes = new List<INote>();
adapter.Connection = DataAccess.ConnectionSettings.Connection;
foreach (DataSetNoteProcs.up_GetNoteRow t in table) {
return notes;
Public Shared Function GetNotes() As IList(Of INote)
Dim adapter As New DataSetNoteProcsTableAdapters.up_GetNoteTableAdapter
Dim table As New DataSetNoteProcs.up_GetNoteDataTable
Dim notes As IList(Of INote) = New List(Of INote)
adapter.Connection = DataAccess.ConnectionSettings.Connection
For Each t As DataSetNoteProcs.up_GetNoteRow In table
notes.Add(CType(t, INote))
Return notes
End Function