Why does the ToUniversalTime function have no effect here;
DateTime dt = new DateTime(2009,3,24,1,0,0,DateTimeKind.Local);
dt = dt.ToUniversalTime(); // convert BST to UTC ?
"24/03/2009 01:00:00" ... wrong?
Is the same as..
DateTime dt = new DateTime(2009,3,24,1,0,0,DateTimeKind.Utc);
dt = dt.ToUniversalTime(); // nothing to do, already utc
"24/03/2009 01:00:00" ... correct.
I expected there to be an adjustment to the ToString() value of the first example, where by the DateTime specified as Local would result in a corresponding TimeZone calculation upon the call to ToUniversalTime() and the time in the UK should have resulted in "24/03/2009 00:00:00" as UTC.
However it appears like the specifying of the DateTimeKind in this way renders ToUniversalTime or ToLocalTime unable to make any calculation.