I am trying to figure out if it is possible to create a foreign key in this way.
First there are two parent tables in this scenario.
Table 1 has a PK int and another int column. When combined the two are unique.
Table 2 has a PK int and another int column. When combined the two are unique.
The paired value between the two ints is how we currently select the child records for either table.
Table 3 has a value for the PK and other int column from one of the first two tables. It is reliably selectable because the two fields when both used in a search are unique to one of the above tables.
So I am looking to create a FK or possibly two FK for this scenario. I would like to be able to do cascading deletes from either of the first tables into the third table, and would also like to use this for the entity relationships in Entity Framework.
Please let me know if this is not making sense. I have read it several times, and it is about as clear as I can get it.