




I have found some evidence that this is possible,

self.scene = Canvas()
Application.LoadComponent(self.scene, Uri('app.xaml', UriKind.Relative))

but my code is failing:

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        Canvas scene = new Canvas();
        Application.LoadComponent(scene, new Uri("app.xaml", UriKind.Relative));

I am using the same app.xaml with 'Build Action: None', and 'Copy always".

    x:Name="ball_design" >

    <Canvas x:Name="workaround_canvas" >

        <TextBlock x:Name="fps" Canvas.Left="10" Canvas.Top="10" Height="40" Canvas.ZIndex="10000" Text="-- fps" />
    <Canvas x:Name="wpfe_ball_0" Width="52" Height="52" Canvas.Left="0" Canvas.Top="30">
      <!-- Layer 3/<Group>/<Path> -->
      <Path Opacity="0.900000" StrokeThickness="2.000000" Stroke="#ffa6d000" StrokeMiterLimit="1.000000" Fill="#ffcbff00" Data="F1 M 51.000000,26.000000 C 51.000000,39.806641 39.807129,51.000000 26.000000,51.000000 C 12.192871,51.000000 1.000000,39.806641 1.000000,26.000000 C 1.000000,12.193359 12.192871,1.000000 26.000000,1.000000 C 39.807129,1.000000 51.000000,12.193359 51.000000,26.000000 Z"/>

      <!-- Layer 3/<Group>/<Path> -->
      <Path Opacity="0.740000" Data="F1 M 43.143066,13.087891 C 50.602051,22.888672 49.009766,36.642578 39.590332,43.812500 C 30.170898,50.980469 16.489258,48.842773 9.032715,39.042969 C 1.573242,29.240234 3.166016,15.486328 12.584961,8.316406 C 22.003906,1.149414 35.685547,3.285156 43.143066,13.087891 Z">
          <RadialGradientBrush MappingMode="Absolute" GradientOrigin="156.791016,170.453125" Center="156.791016,170.453125" RadiusX="53.626404" RadiusY="53.626404">
              <GradientStop Offset="0.000000" Color="#ffffffff"/>
              <GradientStop Offset="0.361685" Color="#fff5f7dd"/>
              <GradientStop Offset="0.415730" Color="#ffebf0bc"/>
              <GradientStop Offset="1.000000" Color="#ffcbff00"/>
              <MatrixTransform Matrix="1.190000,0.165000,-0.165000,-1.281300,-113.414185,241.757843" />

      <!-- Layer 3/<Group>/<Path> -->
      <Path Fill="#ffffffff" Data="F1 M 23.100586,9.477539 C 24.741699,11.634766 23.116211,15.630859 19.470703,18.404297 C 15.825684,21.178711 11.540039,21.678711 9.899414,19.522461 C 8.258301,17.365234 9.883789,13.369141 13.529297,10.594727 C 17.174316,7.821289 21.459961,7.321289 23.100586,9.477539 Z"/>
    <TextBlock x:Name="dbgwin" FontSize="10" Canvas.Top="10" Canvas.Left="250" Height="500" Width="200" Text="IronPython DLR" />


I get IOException: Cannot locate resource 'app.xaml'.

What is a solution?


You will need Absolute File URI including entire file://c:/ etc.. because Relative is used inside the application's resources only.

Akash Kava
Now I get ArgumentException: Cannot use absolute URI.
+1  A: 

It seems that external XAML file can't be loaded by LoadComponent.

I checked the source code:

    public static void LoadComponent(Object component, Uri resourceLocator) 

        // Passed a relative Uri here.
        // needs to resolve it to Pack://Application.
        //..\..\ in the relative Uri will get stripped when creating the new Uri and resolving to the 
        //PackAppBaseUri, i.e. only relative Uri within the appbase are created here
        Uri currentUri = new Uri(BaseUriHelper.PackAppBaseUri, resourceLocator); 


So the resourceLocator SHOULD be a relative path. And it will be treated under application:/// authority.


WPF supports two authorities: application:/// and siteoforigin:///. The application:/// authority identifies application data files that are known at compile time, including resource and content files. The siteoforigin:/// authority identifies site of origin files.

Possible data files are:

  • Packages and parts are analogous to applications and files, where an application (package) can include one or more files (parts), including:

  • Resource files that are compiled into the local assembly.

  • Resource files that are compiled into a referenced assembly.

  • Resource files that are compiled into a referencing assembly.

  • Content files.

  • Site of origin files.

The first 4 files are accessible with application://, but I am looking for external files, so the only option is "Content file".

So I turned app.xaml into content file (details are here)

  1. Build Action to Content
  2. Copy to Output Directory to Copy always
  3. [assembly: AssemblyAssociatedContentFile("app.xaml")]

As result such exception was thrown: 'application/xaml+xml' ContentType is not valid.

    public static void LoadComponent(Object component, Uri resourceLocator) 

            if (!MimeTypeMapper.BamlMime.AreTypeAndSubTypeEqual(contentType)) 
                throw new Exception(SR.Get(SRID.ContentTypeNotSupported, contentType)); 

So the LoadComponent expects 'application/baml+xml' instead of 'application/xaml+xml'.

I don't know a way to store xaml as external file in 'application/baml+xml', so assume the task has no solution.

The latest research shows that having BAML we can load it. Will change response latter.

I got this to work. My specific goal was to load a ResourceDictionary into the App class so I could have custom skins loaded from raw XAML files. Here's how. First, in App.xaml, Add the following:

    protected override void OnStartup(StartupEventArgs e) {


    private void LoadSkin(string FilePath) {
        XmlReader XmlRead = XmlReader.Create(FilePath);
        Application.Current.Resources = 

Create a "bin\Debug\Skins" folder and added a "Skin1.xaml" with the following content:

    <Style x:Key="ButtonAStyle" TargetType="{x:Type Button}">
        <Setter Property="Control.Background" Value="Green" />
        <Setter Property="Control.Foreground" Value="White" />

Specific to Skins

In this particular case, you have to make sure you are using the style resources correctly in your individual windows. Here's an example:

    Style="{DynamicResource ButtonAStyle}" 

Here's a neat trick to try. In button1_Click(), try adding the same code you did in App.OnStartUp() above but with "Skin2.xaml" with "Red" as the background color for your buttons. The skin changes instantly without requiring a reload of the app or window.

Jim Carnicelli
1. What is your VS version? I don't see such build action "Content Copy to Output" in VS2008? 2. Are you sure that Skin1.xaml is ONLY copied, and not compiled into .exe as a resource?
I'm using VS 2008. Looks like I fooled myself, though. This works for me if I set "Build Action" to "Content". If I just put loose files in bin\Debug\Skins\, it doesn't work. :-P I'm looking for a fix now.
Jim Carnicelli
Fixed. The key was using a XamlReader instead of Application.LoadComponent(). I've updated the code here to reflect it.
Jim Carnicelli
Unfortunately, XamlReader.Load will work only for xaml files with out events in it

In order for LoadComponent to work on an XAML resource, it will need to have a build action of "Page". Then the LoadComponent works, even in a Console app.

This could be useful when wanting to access sample data generated from Blend in a server app.

Wolfgang Grinfeld