



I have a web service written in C# that is living on a SharePoint site. I have modified the web.config with the following code:



(httpRuntime executionTimeout="360" /)


for the IIS Inetpub file, the SP ISAPI web.config file and the SP layouts web.config. I have also modified the machine.config file with the same code and tried to bump any timeouts that I see in IIS.

When I call this web service from a Windows C# application I can step into the web method and start debugging the variable but after a short time (~1 minute, maybe less) the variable values are no longer present because this gets returned:

System.Net.WebException "The request was aborted: The operation has timed out."

I am trying to figure out where the correct timeout values needs to be set and how. I restart IIS after I have made every change but nothing changes to give different results.


+1  A: 

Try setting the timeout value in your web service proxy class:

WebReference.ProxyClass myProxy = new WebReference.ProxyClass();
//Set the timeout in milliseconds - e.g. 100 seconds
myProxy.Timeout = 10000;
Michael Kniskern
Documentation online says the executionTimeout is in seconds though on msdn...
you are right....I updated my answer. Did you try setting the time out value on the proxy class?
Michael Kniskern
can you clarify where you are suggesting to do this?I have the web service instantiation but I don't see any properties for ProxyClass, just Proxy...thanks
This change would be implemented in the C# windows application. It would be part of the web reference to your web service.
Michael Kniskern
Looks like it might have been the App Pools timeout setting in IIS it was set to 90 seconds. I had modified every web.config I could find and machine.config and nothing worked