Here it is in, very similar to Samuel's answer. I have four overloads depending on whether you want a subroutine or function and whether or not there's a parameter. It would be easy to add more overloads for more parameters. VB.Net is able to infer the types.
Module ISynchronizeInvokeExtensions
Public Delegate Function GenericLambdaFunctionWithParam(Of InputType, OutputType)(ByVal input As InputType) As OutputType
Private Delegate Function InvokeLambdaFunctionCallback(Of InputType, OutputType)(ByVal f As GenericLambdaFunctionWithParam(Of InputType, OutputType), ByVal input As InputType, ByVal c As System.ComponentModel.ISynchronizeInvoke) As OutputType
Public Function InvokeEx(Of InputType, OutputType)(ByVal f As GenericLambdaFunctionWithParam(Of InputType, OutputType), ByVal input As InputType, ByVal c As System.ComponentModel.ISynchronizeInvoke) As OutputType
If c.InvokeRequired Then
Dim d As New InvokeLambdaFunctionCallback(Of InputType, OutputType)(AddressOf InvokeEx)
Return DirectCast(c.Invoke(d, New Object() {f, input, c}), OutputType)
Return f(input)
End If
End Function
Public Delegate Sub GenericLambdaSubWithParam(Of InputType)(ByVal input As InputType)
Public Sub InvokeEx(Of InputType)(ByVal s As GenericLambdaSubWithParam(Of InputType), ByVal input As InputType, ByVal c As System.ComponentModel.ISynchronizeInvoke)
InvokeEx(Of InputType, Object)(Function(i As InputType) As Object
Return Nothing
End Function, input, c)
End Sub
Public Delegate Sub GenericLambdaSub()
Public Sub InvokeEx(ByVal s As GenericLambdaSub, ByVal c As System.ComponentModel.ISynchronizeInvoke)
InvokeEx(Of Object, Object)(Function(i As Object) As Object
Return Nothing
End Function, Nothing, c)
End Sub
Public Delegate Function GenericLambdaFunction(Of OutputType)() As OutputType
Public Function InvokeEx(Of OutputType)(ByVal f As GenericLambdaFunction(Of OutputType), ByVal c As System.ComponentModel.ISynchronizeInvoke) As OutputType
Return InvokeEx(Of Object, OutputType)(Function(i As Object) f(), Nothing, c)
End Function
End Module
Usage (run this in a backgroundworker):
InvokeEx(Sub(x As String) Me.Text = x, "foo", Me) 'set form title to foo
InvokeEx(AddressOf MsgBox, Me.Text, Me)
InvokeEx(Sub() Me.Text &= "!", "foo", Me) 'append "!" to form title
InvokeEx(AddressOf MsgBox, Me.Text, Me)
Dim s As String = InvokeEx(Function() Me.Text, Me) & "bar" 'get form title to backgorundworker thread
InvokeEx(AddressOf MsgBox, s, Me) 'display the string from backgroundworker thread