



What is the complete list of all special characters for a SQL (I'm interested in SQL Server but other's would be good too) LIKE clause?


SELECT Name FROM Person WHERE Name LIKE '%Jon%'

SQL Server:

  1. %
  2. _
  3. [specifier] E.g. [a-z]
  4. [^specifier]
  5. ESCAPE clause E.g. %30!%%' ESCAPE '!' will evaluate 30% as true
  6. ' characters need to be escaped with ' E.g. they're becomes they''re


  1. % - Any string of zero or more characters.
  2. _ - Any single character
  3. ESCAPE clause E.g. %30!%%' ESCAPE '!' will evaluate 30% as true


  1. % - Any string of zero or more characters.
  2. _ - Any single character
  3. ESCAPE clause E.g. %30!%%' ESCAPE '!' will evaluate 30% as true


  1. %
  2. _
  3. [specifier] E.g. [a-z]
  4. [^specifier]


  1. % - Any string of zero or more characters.
  2. _ - Any single character

    Reference Guide here [PDF]


  1. % - Any string of zero or more characters.
  2. _ - Any single character


  1. %
  2. _
  3. An ESCAPE character only if specified.

PostgreSQL also has the SIMILAR TO operator which adds the following:

  1. [specifier]
  2. [^specifier]
  3. | - either of two alternatives
  4. * - repetition of the previous item zero or more times.
  5. + - repetition of the previous item one or more times.
  6. () - group items together

The idea is to make this a community Wiki that can become a "One stop shop" for this.

+2  A: 

For SQL Server, from :

  • % Any string of zero or more characters.
  • _ Any single character.
  • [ ] Any single character within the specified range ([a-f]) or set ([abcdef]).
  • [^] Any single character not within the specified range ([^a-f]) or set ([^abcdef]).
Can you use [] with numbers?
Joe Philllips
I just tried and it looks like you can. But it's not like regular expressions => [0-9]Instead you need to specify each character like this : [0123456789]
Wait, no. It is like RegEx so [0-9] works as well. Sorry for the confusion.
+1  A: 

Sybase :

%              : Matches any string of zero or more characters.
_              : Matches a single character.
[specifier]    : Brackets enclose ranges or sets, such as [a-f] 
                 or [abcdef].Specifier  can take two forms:

                   rangespec1 indicates the start of a range of characters.
                   - is a special character, indicating a range.
                   rangespec2 indicates the end of a range of characters.

                  can be composed of any discrete set of values, in any 
                  order, such as [a2bR].The range [a-f], and the 
                  sets [abcdef] and [fcbdae] return the same 
                  set of values.

                 Specifiers are case-sensitive.

[^specifier]    : A caret (^) preceding a specifier indicates 
                  non-inclusion. [^a-f] means "not in the range 
                  a-f"; [^a2bR] means "not a, 2, b, or R."
+2  A: 


  • %
  • _
  • an ESCAPE character only if specified.

It is disappointing that many databases do not stick to the standard rules and add extra characters, or incorrectly enable ESCAPE with a default value of ‘\’ when it is missing. Like we don't already have enough trouble with ‘\’!

It's impossible to write DBMS-independent code here, because you don't know what characters you're going to have to escape, and the standard says you can't escape things that don't need to be escaped. (See section 8.5/General Rules/3.a.ii.)

Thank you SQL! gnnn

+1  A: 

You should add that you have to add an extra ' to escape an exising ' in SQL Server:

smith's -> smith''s

Thanks Heather. I've added it to the list.
Jonathan Parker

Thank You Very Much