I need to create table on the fly in C#.net program. Task is to export excel file to SQL Database. How to write store procedure for creating table if column name and table name are passed as parameters? I tried to write following SP.
ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.CreateTempTable
@Param1 VarChar(50),
@Param2 VarChar(50),
@Param3 VarChar(50),
@Param4 VarChar(50)
if exists(select * from sys.objects where object_id = OBJECT_ID('[dbo].[Temp]') AND type='U')
Drop Table [dbo].[Temp]
Create Table [dbo].[Temp]([@CountryID] [int],
[@Param1] [VarChar](150),
[@Param2] [DateTime],
[@Param3] [VarChar](50),
[@Param4] [VarChar](50));
While executing if I give input as
@Param1 - 'CountryId'
@Param2 - 'CountryName'
@Param3 - 'CreateDate'
@Param4 - 'CreatedBy'
The column created as @Param1, @Param2, @Param3, @Param4 instead of CountryId... etc.