



Inspired by this SO question, that asks your favorite programming book, which is your favorite book that is available for FREE download.

While I love to buy and read many of those books, I am now looking for books that i can RIGHT NOW download to my system, which I can read while traveling, during waiting for check-in etc.

Here goes my list (all linked to contents page):

Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs

Dive into Python

Building skills in python

Note: Language-Specific and Language-Agnostic books, both welcome. Preferably link to the contents page, and provide your review, how it has been useful to you.

Duplicate Questions:

+5  A: 

Real World Haskell

Charlie Flowers
+9  A: 

Practical Common Lisp

Gert M
+9  A: 

Bruce Eckel is a great writer and you can legaly download most of his books. I love his "Thinking in C++" and "Thinking in Java" books. Too bad he didn't finish the "Thinking in C#" book. You can find them here.

Also the book that SO unofficially awarded as the best book to improve your programming - Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs can be found freely.

Bogdan Gavril
His "Thinking in C++" was instrumental to me about 15 years ago. Before I read it, I mistakenly thought I understood C++ only to get eaten alive on tech interviews (twice). Then his book turned on the light for me.
Charlie Flowers
+3  A: 

Dive into Python and Django Book

L. De Leo
+4  A: 

Best free scrum and xp book

Emil C
glad to see you share my opinion of those who use SCRUM
+11  A: 
John Nolan
not my favourite this is definitely worth a read. It's small and quick one as well.
dr. evil
has a few nice things; the fact that is is under 80 pages is probably the best; a good read.
Bogdan Gavril
+7  A: 

Getting real by 37signals

Disclaimer 1: It is not exactly a "programming" book, but IMHO I think that programming has many aspects and this book could be useful to someone together with all the technical aspect of programming.

Disclaimer 2: The free version is not in a PDF but in HTML and I am not sure if you can take it with you in disconnected scenarios. Maybe with an off-line version of the pages.

How it can help you:

Generally, it has many useful ideas, but I really like how it teaches you to focus on things that matter and get the job done without wasting time on things that don't matter.

It covers topics such as (in no particular order):

  • Priorities
  • Specs
  • Feature selection
  • Process
  • Interface design
  • Meetings
  • Code
  • etc.
Its a good book. But is it free? I hade to buy it. :(
Emil C
The online HTML version is free, as I describe in Disclaimer 2.
+1  A: 

C# Language Specification 3.0 - all the wisdom in the universe in one single book!

How the hell can one manage to refer to a Spec on a word file?
Lakshman Prasad
Well, I concur, the format is certainly not ideal.
The ECMA C# spec file is a pdf -
AB Kolan
+3  A: 

Thinking FORTH, Leo Brodie. One of the first texts about refactoring and similar techniques.

Higher Order Perl, Mark-Jason Dominus

+1 for thinking FORTH

Sun's Java tutorial is really quite spiffy and well done.

+1  A: 

It was done here with lots of good links. ;)


+3  A: 

Eloquent JavaScript ain't your average JS book. I'd always heard that JS had more to it than its cargo-cult programming web roots, but this is the book that convinced me of it.

Topics include:

  • data structures
  • functional programming
  • graph search algorithms
  • object-oriented abstraction
  • simulating modules using function scope

It's also the only significant body of text I've found on JS that doesn't conflate the language core and the DOM, which I think is a big win.

The book includes an in-page interactive syntax-highlighted console and editing box for trying stuff out as you read, exercises to keep you on your toes, and the OOP chapter even lets you build a little terrarium simulation with insects you can code yourself.

Tung Nguyen
+1  A: 

The Art of Assembly Language Programming

-1 -- Art of Assembly went downhill fast when the author created his 'HLA' library to abstract assembly code. *sigh*
Erik Forbes
+2  A: 
AB Kolan
+2  A: 

I started learning Scala by reading Programming Scala by Dean Wampler and Alex Payne. It can be read online at O'Reilly Labs.
