What is the best and most powerful AJAX (including jQuery) code editor?
I can use Visual Studio for that but want to know what NON MICROSOFT people are using to write their JavaScript, AJAX and jQuery code.
What is the best and most powerful AJAX (including jQuery) code editor?
I can use Visual Studio for that but want to know what NON MICROSOFT people are using to write their JavaScript, AJAX and jQuery code.
I use Notepad++. Free, lightweight, Windows friendly and very convenient.
In my opinion nothing beat a good text editor for javascript and html. I personally use UltraEdit.
One thing that is a must in any AJAX developers arsenol is FireBug and IE Web Development Helper
Eclipse? If only because I use it for everything else and code suggestions are great when learning a language.
Eclipse with JSEclipse works very nicely.
Obviously with the VIM plugin enabled!
Netbeans IDE is great for javascript coding, irrespective of your favourite JS Library.
I'll support Pablo by saying that Notepad++ really is a very convenient editor. Do give it a try :) (I like the Ctrl+Enter combination, very smart, although could be improved)
This is turning into a who's who here, but I still believe IntelliJ IDEA is one of the leaders in javascript support.
Aptana has an excellent jquery editor built into its javascript editor.
I use Emacs with js2-mode for small to medium javascript projects.
For javascript projects with hundreds of modules stored in different files, nothing beats IntelliJ Idea. It parses all files in a project and allows you to jump from function call to function definition, from overriden method definition to the definition in parent class, etc.
I've tried Eclipse, Aptana, NetBeans, Komodo and others, and they aren't even close to Intellij Idea when it comes to javascript support.
On the other hand, such big projects in javascript are rare and usually emacs or any other editor is enough.
I'm a .Net developer, but I've been using the RubyMine beta for editing all JavaScript. I'm not sure if it has the same features as IntelliJ, the other JetBrains product being recommended, but RubyMine provides similar refactoring features for JavaScript, that ReSharper does for C#.
If you feel like dropping the change (who does?), Dreamweaver also supports type-ahead functionality:
jQuery API Extension for Dreamweaver
I want to say there's another editor out there that supports type-ahead (maybe not intellisense, but something).
Visual studio (i use it for almost everything) and it has intelisense for jQuery ! just stick with it