I stumbled onto this, so I'll tell you what I do. First, I have an ip->country db in a memory table. There is no reason to try to "save" it, its easily and regularly dropped and recreated, but it may be unpredictable how the php will act when its missing and its only scheduled to be updated weekly. Second, I have a bunch of other memory tables. There is no reason to save these, as they are even more volatile, with lifespans in minutes. They will be refreshed very quickly, but stale data is better than none at all. Also, if you are using any separate key caches, they may (in some cases) need to loaded first or you will be unable to load them. And finally, be sure to put a "use" statement in there if you're not dumpling complete databases, as there is no other interface (like mysql client) to open the database at start up.. So..
cat << EOF > /var/lib/mysql/initial_load.tmp
use fieldsave_db;
cache index fieldsave_db.search in search_cache;
mysqldump --comments=false -udrinkin -pbeer@ fieldsave_db ip2c \
>> /var/lib/mysql/initial_load.tmp
mysqldump --comments=false -ufields -pavenue -B memtables \
>> /var/lib/mysql/initial_load.tmp
grep -v -- ^-- /var/lib/mysql/initial_load.tmp |tr -d '\012' \
|sed -e 's/;/;\n/g' > /var/lib/mysql/initial_load.sql
As always, YMMV, but it works for me.