



At my place of employment, they have a system that uses VBScript to build fields when loading up a record. The advantage is that it works on various database backends the same way and also makes sure that the record is loaded the same every time. It also allows customers access to make some minor changes to the way the system works in a simple language that most customers understand.

A typical script would look like this:

acsz = Trim(G.Address)
if acsz <> "" then
  acsz = acsz & ", "
end if
city = Trim(G.AddressCity)
if city <> "" then
  acsz = acsz & city & ", "
end if
acsz = acsz & " " & G.AddressState & " " & G.AddressZip
acsz = Trim(acsz)
G.AddressCSZ = acsz

It would be preceded by some dynamically-generated code from the database record that looks like this:

record General
end record

G = new General

G.Address="123 Main St"
G.AddressCity="Los Angeles"

We then read the answers back with the Eval statement on the script provider.

This all works very nicely in WinForms or in web applications where the server is under our control.

The problem is that now we are trying to use a web hosting provider that doesn't allow the MSScript control. We could use a Dedicated hosting platform if we have to, but money is an object and site traffic should be reasonably low.

Is there any good way to get ASP.NET to run these simple scripts, given its VBScript background?

I was thinking of things like:

  1. Running a <script language="VBScript" runat="server"> block somehow.
  2. Building a traditional ASP page and handing the data through there.

or something similar.

No, changing the scripting language is not an option.

If not, any good reasonably-priced dedicated hosting providers where we don't need a full-time guy to keep up with patches, etc.?
