




does anyone know how to use jquery modal dialog in asp.net pages? http://jqueryui.com/demos/dialog/

I've tried creating a simple aspx page, pasted code from the example (http://jqueryui.com/demos/dialog/), it almost works. The dialog briefly shows up and then disappears. It seems that the page is doing a postback. I'm not sure how to stop it, so that the modal dialog stays up.


I assume you have something like:

<asp:Button ID="popupButton" OnClientClick="showModalPopup();" Text="Click me" runat="server" />

I would try adding "return false;" to the OnClientClick property of your Button:

<asp:Button ID="popupButton" OnClientClick="showModalPopup(); return false;" Text="Click me" runat="server" />

Or if you don't need to access the button in code-behind, simply use a standard HTML button and set it's onclick event attribute:

<button onclick="showModalPopup();">Click me</button>
Cory Larson

thank you, I will try that out. The way I tried it last night was with simple, , not an asp.ne button. what that make a difference?

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Martin C.

I've been using jqModal for modal dialogs. I've set it up to use a standard HTML input button to trigger the dialog, and then you can put a regular asp.net button or other controls inside of the hidden div.

Hope this helps.

Shea Daniels