I think there are three steps in this process. First, you believe that there should always be a comparison inside an if, so you write if(this.isMonkey == true) banana.eat();
Or, more realistically
if(SpeciesSupervisor.getInstance().findsSimilarTo(Monkey.class, 2) == true) {
String f = new PropertyBundle("bananarepo").getField("banana store");
Then, you learn that it is fine to ask if(this.isMonkey) and that this formatting allows better reading as a sentence in this example ("if this is a monkey").
But at last, you get old and you learn that if(b) is not very readable, and that if(b==true) gives your poor brain some clue what is happening here, and that all these harsh claims of "misuse", "abuse", yada yada, are all a little overstated.
And as for the performance. In Java it would not make a shred of difference. I don't think .NET is so much worse. This is the easiest optimization a compiler could do, I would bet some money that the performance is the same.