I'm wondering if there are any good .NET recommendation algorithms available in open source projects, whether attached to a search engine or not. By recommendation I mean something that accepts a full-text article and recommends other articles from its index based on keyword similarity.
At the high end there are document classification engines like Autonomy; at the low-end spam filters and blog "related posts" widgets. Possibly advertisement-to-article matching, too. I'd like to incorporate one into a project but can't afford the high end and the low end seems to all be LAMP-based.
[Sorry, one answer asked for clarification: What I'm looking for is ideally a standalone library, but I'm willing to adapt good source code as necessary. The end result is that I need to be able to create a C# service that accepts an arbitrary amount of text and returnsa list of similar previously-indexed articles. Basicallly, the exact thing that StackOverflow itself does as you are submitting a question!]
Thanks! Steve