



Does wxPython have a version for Python 3?

If it does, where can I get it?

+3  A: 

No. For now latest version of Python it supports is 2.6.

In the Py3K there are changes in the C API, so you'll have to be patient. It'll take some time, before all the libraries get ported.

There was question, that relates a bit:

+4  A: 

From the newsgroups:

Note that PyQt now supports Python 3, so perhaps that's an option worth considering.

Craig McQueen

i've taken the liberty of porting wxPython to py3 myself. contact me if you want to try it out. [email protected]

Carl Gonzalve
Don't be shy, put it back into the community
It will be really great , if you have share it through some public places like sourceforge etc.
The natural thing to do would be to make it available to the wxPython community.
Craig McQueen
Did anyone email about this? It doesn't particularly sound legit..
Sir, I can assure you, I'm very legit. Yes, I've received e-mails. I did put it on hold for other work, but now I'm back at it. For now I'm converting files to Visual Studio 2010, and as such any releases i make will be with VS10 based, unless I decide to make me a MINGW based build. Here's an update:wxWidgets 2.9.1 x86 built successfully, non-monolithic;SWIG 2.0 patch had some initial, but built with no errors;Converted most of the .py files to py3.I will keep y'all updated as I hit new milestones.
Carl Gonzalve
+2  A: 

Updated news on this question are being posted in the wxpython wiki.

Tentative wxPython Roadmap

  • wxPython "Next Generation": (future) There has been some discussions off and on over the past couple years about a whole new way to generate the code used for the wxPython extension modules (a.k.a the C++ wrapper code). There has been some design work done towards this goal, and the beginnings of some work on tools. However since work was progressing slowly on this I decided to put it on hold for a bit so I could get some of the new features and fixes in the 2.9 release series into the hands of the wxPython developers. I expect to be able to switch my focus back to this goal sometime after the 2.9.1 release. Once the design, plans and tools are complete enough I'll publish more information about it and open it up for other developers to lend a hand.
  • Python 2.7 support: (now) The Windows and OSX build machines have been updated with Python 2.7 and binaries for 2.7 were included with and will be included in future preview builds and releases.
  • Python 3.x support: (unknown) I'm hopeful that some things being done for the Next Generation project will make it easier to be able to maintain support for both Python 2.x and 3.x in the same source tree, so I've been delaying putting much effort into a Python 3.x port in order to prevent wasting time on something that may end up getting thrown away once the NG switch is made. If that Next Generation project ends up being left on-hold for too long however then I'll probably revisit this item and move up the priority.