I have a structure like this in a DB
| RoleID | RoleTypeID | PersonID | OrganizationID | FromDate | ToDate |
Each role is only valid for dates between FromDate and ToDate.
Each person has a name, gender and birth date.
I want to put this date into a data warehouse to use with SSAS.
There I want to be able to build cubes with the number of roles per organization, per role type, per gender, per age per time.
How would I design a DW to store this, I could potentially get ~200 rows just because of the age and gender data combinations, but then I have role types and organizations on top of that.
E.g. rows like
|2009-01-01|RoleTypeID=Employee|Organization=HQ|Gender=Male|Age=32|Count=17| |2009-01-01|RoleTypeID=Employee|Organization=HQ|Gender=Female|Age=32|Count=12| |2009-01-01|RoleTypeID=Employee|Organization=HQ|Gender=Male|Age=33|Count=18|
Gut feeling tells me I am on the wrong track here…