



I am wondering about correct definition for such construction:

class A {
 public static A create() {
    return new A();

 private A() {

In Effective Java (Item 1) and on wikipedia article I found that this is called Static Factory Method (some kind of Factory Method).

But during reading of Refactoring to Patterns (Chapter 6) I met the same construction called Creation Method. Also, there is a note that it should not be messed up with a Factory Method pattern.

Where truth is?


One approach is to call parameterless methods creation methods and parameterized (for example by an enum) - factory methods. In the sence that a factory is more powerful and can create objects of different types.

If you use a parameterless method you have to decide elsewhere which class' method to call. With a parameterized method you pass this logic to the method itself. So the latter (factory) also decides by itself which class object to create.

Sorry, did not get the actual difference between creation methods and factory methods from your post. Could you explain it once more?
Andrey Vityuk
To call a creation method you need to decide which class' method to call - B::Create() or C::Create(). With factory method you just class F::Create( parameter ) where a parameter is some enum value for example and the fcatory decides itself which class object to create.

Well, terminology often varies between authors, so I wouldn't worry too much about this.

I suppose, however, that "Refactoring to Patterns" warns against calling this a "factory method", because there is the factory method pattern. Since the factory method pattern is more than just a factory method, they propose a different name to avoid confusion.

I guess you could also call it a "simple static factory", but that's a bit wordy (and non-standard).

+2  A: 

Have a read of this discussion of Factory Method.

FactoryMethodPattern is different from FactoryMethod or CreationMethod.

Thanks, now it makes sense.
Andrey Vityuk