



How can I empty (remove all tabs) a jQuery UI Tabs?

EDIT: I'm not trying to remove the tab functionality, but to empty all tabs to add new ones.

I'm trying with:

for (var i = $('#content').tabs('length') - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
    $('#content').tabs('remove', i);

But tabs('length') always returns 0, even if there are some tabs added to the control.

BTW, I'm initializing it empty


and adding tabs dynamically afterwards

$('#content').tabs( 'add' , '' , data[i].nombre);
+1  A: 

You should be able to just unbind the tabs from the selector.



Straight from jQuery Documentation

.tabs( 'destroy' );

Remove the tabs functionality completely. This will return the element back to its pre-init state.

Shaun Humphries
Thanks for your answer.I'm not trying to clear the tab functionality but to remove current tabs to add new ones.
+1  A: 

Did you try adding tabs with non empty url?

$('#content').tabs( 'add' , 'non empty url' , data[i].nombre);

Copied from official documentation (

.tabs( 'add' , url , label , [index] )

Add a new tab. The second argument is either a URL consisting of a fragment identifier only to create an in-page tab or a full url (relative or absolute, no cross-domain support) to turn the new tab into an Ajax (remote) tab. The third is the zero-based position where to insert the new tab. Optional, by default a new tab is appended at the end.
