I need to count the number of elements in an XML file that have a particular value (to verify uniqueness). The XML file looks like this:
EDIT: I updated the original "simplified" XML with the actual hairy mess someone designed. Unfortunately, this is going to make all the previous Answers really confusing and wrong unless edited.
<Property Name="Alive">
<Property Name="ID">
<Property Name="Value">
<Property Name="Dead">
<Property Name="ID">
<Property Name="Value">
<Property Name="MostlyDeadAllDay">
<Property Name="ID">
<Property Name="Value">
I am trying to define a variable to see how many of the properties at the Alive/Dead level have the long value (ID) as defined in a template parameter. Something along these lines (though I suspect this is wrong)...
<xsl:param name="parPropId"/>
<xsl:variable name="countProperties">
<xsl:value-of select="count(/root/ac/
Properties/Property[@Name = 'ID']/
Properites/Property[@Name = 'Value']/long = $parPropId)"/>
There can be multiple Property elements defined at the "ID" level. But I am fairly certain I can count on just one Property element ("Value") under "ID", and only one "long" element under "Value".
[disclaimer] Whoever designed the overall XML file I'm stuck working with REALLY didn't know how to structure XML (e.g., backwards use of attributes versus elements). I fear my XSLT thinking has temporarily been warped :) as a result. [/disclaimer]