




I am creating a website in ASP MVC. Can anyone give me some advice on using the built-in membership provider in the following way.

I want my users to create an Administrative account for themselves and then create accounts for the people in their organization, or the people that they want to give access to.

I guess in a Database it will look something like this:

Companies have Administrators. Administrators can give users access.

I am sure this pattern is used all over the place, I am just not sure how to implement it. Especially using the membership providers.



+1  A: 

There is nothing special in implementing this. It can be easily accomplished by built-in features of ASP.NET 2.0:

  1. Configure Web site to use membership (via web.config)
  2. Enable role management (via web.config <roles enabled="true"> tag)
  3. Add administrator accounts to Administrators role.
  4. Control access to the administrative pages by using [Authorize(Roles="Administrators")] attribute in the controller action.
  5. Require authentication on other non-admin actions ([Authorize])
Mehrdad Afshari
This works but the difference is the concept of Being an Admin within your own Organization.
You can have arbitrary number of roles. To make them work dynamically, you can manually check role presence instead of relying on Authorize. `HttpContext.Current.User.IsInRole` might help in this case.
Mehrdad Afshari
Thanks Mehrdad for your answer. Are you suggesting that when users sign up, I programatically put them in the administrators group and then only allow them to add users to their application through busnies logic in the controller?
David Smit
Create one admin role per *application* and add admins to their specific roles. Then programatically allow only specific actions.
Mehrdad Afshari
By the way, for simplicity, you can add all of them in a global Admin group and use it to authorize access to admin page.
Mehrdad Afshari

When I did this, I used the Membership Provider for authentication however, the organization concept I created externally from the Provider. You could use the Profile Provider.

As for roles I would still use the Roles within the ASP.Net Membership Model.


You can create a role for those people and name it something like organizational-admin, though that's a bit long, you catch my drift :). And give those the power to create users with a regular user role. At least that's how i did it in one of my applications.

Ofcourse you'll keep the admin to yourself or to the person who is in charge of this particular site.

Gu's blog has a small example of how to implement the roles in an action filter.
