




I may be dim, but I really don't know what to answer when google asks me for a URL when asking for a key for google maps.

I mean, I'm on my laptop, with no internet dns entry developing the solution in visual studio, so what do i tell google? localhost? The domain name I know the site will end up on? my laptops name?


I have always set up the API key to represent the sites future URL. I have seen no issues with using the API key on localhost that was setup for domainname.com, but that may be related to the subset of the Google Map APIs that I utilize. I would use your site's final URL when you set up the key for Google Maps.

name matters running local also. I have keys made up for http://localhost and then one for my testing and production machines.Ultimately wherever the map is going to be HOSTED from
What issues have you had, I have had none running local with a specific key? What API functions were you using that resulted in the issues?
+2  A: 

Use the key which will correspond to the name of the server in the URL. I've used both localhost and the name of the laptop on local network.

Change to a different key on the production server.

Pete Kirkham