What do you see as the advantages and disadvantages of Amazon Web Services S3 compared with Google Application Engine? The cost per gigabyte for the two is, at the time I ask, roughly similar; I have not seen any widespread complaints about the quality of service; so I think the decision of which one to use may depend on the API (of all things).
Google's API breaks your content into what they call static content, such as your CSS files, favicons, images, etc and non-static dynamically-generated HTTP responses. Requests for static stuff will be served to whoever requests it until your bandwidth limit is reached; non-static requests will be fulfilled until your bandwidth or CPU limit is reached. With respect to your non-static requests, you can provide any logic you are able to express in Python, so you can be choosy about who you serve.
Amazon's API treats all your content as blobs in a bucket, and provides an access protocol that lets you distinguish between a variety of fulfillable requests ranging from world-readable to owner-only. If you want to something that's not in the kit, though, I don't know what you do beyond being thoughtful about distributing your URIs.
What differences do you see between the two? Are there other cloud storage services you like? Zetta had a press release today, but they're looking for a minimum of ten terabytes on the beta application, and none of my clients are there (yet); and Joyent will probably do something in the near future.