



Would someone recommend an example of a good API (.NET) overview documentation. I don't mean, chm file with all the method/classes, but actual overview with diagrams, explanation, tutorial, etc., preferably commercial...



It's not clear from your question whether you're after documentation about the .NET Framework, just documentation of some other API, or after a tool for creating documentation.

Martin Peck
This is more a comment than an answer.
Michael Myers
exlpanation/overview of some other API, for some .net library
+1  A: 

There is a poster of the .Net Framework Class Library, but obviously that is very high level and is no where near a tutorial.

The library is so big I don't think you'll find simple tutorials very useful if you want to cover all of it, is there a specific area you are interested in (UI, Web, DB etc)? - someone may be able to recommend specific books.

If you want to know how .Net itself works Richter is a great book, and Box is also recommended (but I have not read the latter).

Steve Haigh