So I've got a "daily dashboard" report in SSRS 2005. It has a parameter, @pDate, which defaults to "=Now".
I'd like to use this same report in a linked report to show yesterday's final dashboard (which would then be mailed out via subscription), and override the parameter default with another expression, "=dateadd(d,-1,Now)." But when I change the default parameter, I get a data mismatch error (natch).
I'm assuming that's the end of the line and I just need to deploy a copy of the daily dashboard report with a default @pDate of yesterday, but I thought I'd post here and see if anybody had some nifty shortcut to accomplish this without having to maintain two RDLs.
UPDATE: I found this on MSDN:
If Default Value accepts a value, you can type a constant or syntax that is valid for the data processing extension used with the report.
"Data processing extension" apparently translates to SQL server, so I tried valid singleton selects that weren't constants (GETDATE(), "04/27/"+YEAR(GETDATE()), etc...) and still nothing.