



Does anyone know of a tool or library in .net that can be used to compare object properties and sub-objects like beyond compare does for text files? What I am looking for is a way to show two instances of the same type and show colored coded differences between them and allow the user to copy values between the objects.

+1  A: 

Just an idea: serialize your objects into XML and run a WinDiff or TortoiseSVN built-in diff-viewer.

  1. The export can be done (with [Serializalbe] objects) with XmlSerializer or DataContractSerializer:

    Person p1 = new Person("Zighetti", "Barbara", 101);
    FileStream writer = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Create);
    DataContractSerializer ser = new DataContractSerializer(typeof(Person));
    ser.WriteObject(writer, p1);
  2. Repeat this step for p2 (instance of Person).

  3. Drop your xmls into WinDiff or your favorite diff viewer.

Special XML diff tools

Yes, serialize it, but serialize to an XmlWriter configured to do indentation. You might also need to do postprocessing to maintain a canonical order.
John Saunders