My team current is currently in the "bug fixing and polishing" phase of shipping a major rewrite. We still have a large stack of bugs to fix, scheduled against a couple of milestones. We've been asked to come up with estimates, of how much engineering effort is required to fix the bugs for each milestone.
For previous milestones, we've followed the following process:
- Assign the bugs to the people that know the most about that area of the code, and will likely be the one to fix the bug.
- Have each person go through the bugs that are assigned to them, and estimate how long they think it will take to fix the bugs, at an hour-level granularity. If a bug looks like it will potentially take more than a day or two to fix, they break the bug into likely subtasks, and estimate those.
- Total the amount of work assigned to each person for each milestone, and try and balancing things out if people have drastically different amounts of work.
- Multiply each person's total for each milestone by a "padding factor", to account for overly optimistic estimates (we've been using 1.5).
- Take the largest total across the team members for a given release, and make that the time it will take for the team to close the existing bugs.
- Estimate the number of bugs we expect to be created during the time it takes us to reach a particular milestone, and estimate how long on average, we think it will take to close each of these bugs. Add this on to the time to close the existing bugs for each release. This is our final number of the amount of work needed, delivered as a date by which we'll definitely ship that milestone.
This has been fairly accurate (we've come in pretty much spot on on our previous three milestones), but it's rather time consuming.
Current Problem
We've been asked to give estimates of the engineering time for upcoming milestones, but asked not to use the above process because it's too time consuming. Instead, as the tech lead of the team, I've been asked to provide estimates that are less certain, along with a certainty interval (ie, 1 month, plus or minus a week).
My primary estimation experience is with some variation of the method I described above (from a background of freelancing for a number of years). I've found that when I "shoot from the hip" on large tasks, I tend to be way off. I suspect it will be even worse when estimating how long it takes to fix bugs in areas of the code I don't know very well.
What tips, tricks or techniques have you found successful for estimating quickly, without breaking things down into fine grained tasks and estimating them?
Things that are not an option:
- Not giving an estimate - I've tried this, it didn't fly:)
- Picking a number and confidence interval that is ridiculously wide - I've considered this, but I don't think it'll fly either.
- Evidence-base scheduling - We're using JIRA, which doesn't have any evidence-base scheduling tools written for it, and we can't migrate to FogBugz currently (BTW, if someone goes and writes an evidence-based scheduling plugin for JIRA, we would gladly pay for it).