I have yet to find a good reference on this topic. For this example we will take some C++ code that I'm trying to port over to C#.
In C++ land we have the following prototype for an external library function:
extern "C" DWORD EXPORT FILES_GetMemoryMapping(
PSTR pPathFile,
PSTR MapName,
PWORD PacketSize,
PMAPPING pMapping,
PBYTE PagesPerSector);
and in it is used like such:
FILES_GetMemoryMapping((LPSTR)(LPCTSTR)MapFile, &Size, (LPSTR)MapName, &PacketSize, pMapping, &PagePerSector);
Now I'm trying to port the first line over to C# and here is where I'm presented with no clear path.
This is what I've got so far:
public static extern uint FILES_GetMemoryMapping(
string pPathFile,
out ushort Size,
string MapName,
out ushort PacketSize,
IntPtr pMapping,
out byte PagesPerSector);
Now the question is: Is there any good guide out there that tells me a "PSTR pPathFile" should be "[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)] string pPathFile" ... Assuming that is correct?
Or, a that a pointer to a "PMAPPING" struct becomes a "out IntPtr pMapping" ... assuming that is correct?
Any help on this one guys?