All, this is a follow up from a previous question here:
Here specifically is the code that I am trying to convert to C#:
FILES_GetMemoryMapping((LPSTR)(LPCTSTR)MapFile, &Size, (LPSTR)MapName, &PacketSize, pMapping, &PagePerSector);
// Allocate the mapping structure memory
pMapping = (PMAPPING)malloc(sizeof(MAPPING));
pMapping->NbSectors = 0;
pMapping->pSectors = (PMAPPINGSECTOR) malloc((Size) * sizeof(MAPPINGSECTOR));
// Get the mapping info
FILES_GetMemoryMapping((LPSTR)(LPCTSTR)MapFile, &Size, (LPSTR)(LPCTSTR)MapName, &PacketSize, pMapping, &PagePerSector);
The function "FILES_GetMemoryMapping" gets called twice, I'm guessing the first time to get the size of the struct, and the second to actually fill it.
the "pMapping" is a pointer to a struct in C++, In my C# code, I have pMapping as type IntPtr. The next line I can converted to :
pMapping = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(new UM0516.Mapping()));
With (UM0516.Mapping) being the struct. Cool, so I've just allocated some space that IntPtr is pointing to. Now for the next line... "pMapping->NbSectors = 0;"
How am I suppose to go into the now allocated unmanaged memory space, type cast it as a (UM0516.Mapping) struct, and set one of its members? Then make sure i didn't screw with it too much so that the second time I call "FILES_GetMemoryMapping", it can now use this struct??
-- Ok, I've taken some advice and now have this:
I tried this and I get a "AccessViolationException was unhandled" exception on the first "FILES_GetMemoryMapping" call
Here is what I have:
string filepath = @"C:\blah.blah";
string MapFile = @"D:\blah.blah";
UM0516.Mapping myMapping = new UM0516.Mapping();
IntPtr pMapping = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(myMapping));
Marshal.StructureToPtr(myMapping, pMapping, false);
ushort PacketSize = 0;
ushort size = 0;
string MapName = String.Empty;
byte PagePerSector = 0;
uint b7 = UM0516.FILES_GetMemoryMapping(MapFile, out size, MapName, out PacketSize, pMapping, out PagePerSector);
Do you think this exception is coming from the "pMapping" parameter? Could this come from anything else that I've passed in?