



I've been Googling with little success, getting mostly marketing from Microsoft and Sun, backing their respective platform. Does anyone know if a resource that takes a good look at Java Enterprise Edition, ASP.NET, and any other major enterprise platforms?

+1  A: 

I've been through this before, and the simple answer is, "not really". This isn't necessarily because there isn't objective information out there, its just that there isn't really a standard reference of comparison.

For example, compare them in terms of price? code maintainability? w3c standards? performance? dev tools? developer adoption? etc etc. there are thousands of comparisons you could make, and even then, the comparisons themselves wouldn't provide hards facts.

Say you compare performance, well, how are you measuring performance? and then there is the case of envoriments. You could be running Java on any OS, PHP too, .NET could be connected to MySQL, Oracle, or SQLServer....

Plus, whenever you choose a web technology, you're probably also choosing an environment.

What kind of info are you looking for, and why, this might help answer your question.

having said that, Wikipedia is always a good place to start ;-) :
