When you use Visual Studio's code analysic (FxCop), and want to supress a message there are 3 options.
- Supress a violation in code.
- Supress a violation in a GlobalSupression.cs file.
- Disable the violation check in the project file (via Project -> Properties -> Code Analysic).
The later is very hard to review when checking in to Source Control, and it is hard to get an overview of all disabled vioaltions. So we would like to use option 2.
The problem with option 1 and 2 is that you get one supression line for each violation. E.g like:
[assembly: SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1020:AvoidNamespacesWithFewTypes", Scope = "namespace", Target = "Company.Project.Namespace2")]
[assembly: SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1020:AvoidNamespacesWithFewTypes", Scope = "namespace", Target = "Company.Project.Namespace1")]
We would love to do something like this ing GlobalSuppressions.cs:
[assembly: SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1020:AvoidNamespacesWithFewTypes")]
But is this possible?
How are you solving this?