



SELECT      totalAmount
FROM        tbl
BETWEEN     'date1' AND 'date2'

GROUP BY    DATE(date created) 
ORDER BY    DATE(date created)

That gives me the total amount per day that is in the table. But what I want is the incremental value compared to the previous entry (not necessarily the previous day)

The table might be something like:

totalAmount    |    date created
1000           |    1st Jan
1001           |    2nd Jan
1003           |    3rd Jan
1008           |    15th Jan

So where my query would return: 1000,1001,1003,1008.

What I actually want is: (a number compared to previous entry - but not within the BETWEEN date range in order to start my incriments),1,2,5


Try this :

SELECT      totalAmount
FROM        tbl
BETWEEN     'date1' AND 'date2'

GROUP BY    DATE(date created) 
ORDER BY    totalAmount DESC, DATE(date created)
I think you misunderstood the question

You need to join two identical ranked subqueries. I don't have a MySQL database to test this against but the form would be similar to:

select t1.TotalAmount, t1.DateCreated, 
    t1.TotalAmount - t2.TotalAmount as 'Delta'
(select rownum, TotalAmount
 from tbl
 order by DateCreated) t1
left outer join
(select rownum, TotalAmount
 from tbl
 order by DateCreated) t2
 on t1.rownum = t2.rownum + 1
 order by t1.rownum
Jamie Ide
I don't think mysql has an equivilent of "rownum" in SQL server, so this wouldn't work in his case.
Eric Petroelje
SQL Server doesn't have it, it has a row_number() function. I quickly googled it and thought the function was in MySQL. There may be a workaround: http://snippets.aktagon.com/snippets/156-MySQL-rownum-equivalent
Jamie Ide
+1  A: 

This aught to do it:

SELECT IFNULL((t1.totalamount - t2.totalamount),0) as diff, t1.date_created
FROM view t1 LEFT OUTER JOIN view t2 
 ON t2.date = (SELECT MAX(date) FROM view WHERE date < t1.date)
WHERE t1.date_created BETWEEN 'date1' AND 'date2'
ORDER BY date_created

Where "view" is this query:

SELECT date_created, SUM(totalamount) FROM tbl GROUP BY date_created
Eric Petroelje
I'm totally lost, I'm sure you're right but I can't work it out ;) thanks for answering though.
Eric Petroelje
yes - that helps, I get the concept now. Will try it out, thanks.