



I'm trying to fade the background-color of a span tag using JQuery to emphasize when a change has occured. I was thinking the code would be someting like the following inside the click handler, but I can't seem to get it working. Can you show me where I went wrong? Thanks Russ.

+1  A: 

You'll want to use this syntax:

$("span").fadeOut("slow").css("background-color", "#FFFF99");
Brandon Montgomery

That's better, but now it fades both the background-color of the span tag and the text value of the span tag too. I'm trying to just fade the background-color and leave the text visible. Can that be done?

This is not an answer.
Marius Gedminas
+4  A: 

It can be done with the color animation plugin. You'd then do something like

$('span').animate({'backgroundColor' : '#ffff99'});
+4  A: 

OH, I didn't realize you wanted to fade the color! OK, so you need to check out the jQuery color plugin:

And here's another helpful section of the site:

I've never actually done this so I won't try to give you code, but I imagine the color plugin will give you the functionality you need.

Brandon Montgomery
That works great, thanks for your help!
Russ Clark

that's why you call fadeOut on the span tag. to get background fade animation you should use:

$('span').animate({'backgroundColor' : '#ffff99'});

as pointed by mishac. another way could be something like this:

$("span").fadeTo(0.5,"slow", function () {
  $(this).css("background-color", "#FFFF99");

the above code will fadeout to 50% the entire span tag, then changes background and fadeIn. it isn't what you were looking for, but creates a decet animation without depending from other jquery plugins ;)


what about fading the actual body background color? Is there a solution for this?

This is not an answer.
Marius Gedminas
+3  A: 

Try this

    $(this).animate({backgroundColor:"green"},  100);
    $(this).animate({backgroundColor:"white" },  1000);