+1  A: 

What if you rework this to use GetTable().Where(...), and put your filtering there?

That would be more efficient, since the Where extension method should take care of your filtering better than fetching the entire table into a list.

Reed Copsey
see my update in the answer
Andreas Grech
+1  A: 

Some thoughts...

Just remove the ToList() call, SingleOrDefault works with an IEnumerably which I presume table is.

Cache the call to e.GetType().GetProperties().First() to get the PropertyInfo returned.

Cant you just add a constraint to T that would force them to implement an interface that exposes the Id property?

Simon Svensson

Maybe executing a query might be a good idea.

public static T GetByID(int id)
        Type type = typeof(T);
        //get table name
        var att = type.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(TableAttribute), false).FirstOrDefault();
        string tablename = att == null ? "" : ((TableAttribute)att).Name;
        //make a query
        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tablename))
            return null;
            string query = string.Format("Select * from {0} where {1} = {2}", new object[] { tablename, "ID", id });

            //and execute
            return dbcontext.ExecuteQuery<T>(query).FirstOrDefault();
Misha N.
The column name varies from table to table
Andreas Grech
OK, I haven't get that primary key columns names can vary.I see that there is already a solution to get the primary key column name. Regards
Misha N.

I have brought great shame upon myself. I should've tested an actual run instead of just posting code willy-nilly.

Jason Punyon
no, this will not work because IHasID is not mapped to the database.It will throw an exception saying IHasID.ID has not SQL equivalent.
Denis Troller
Yes, that's exactly my problem. Any ideas on how to fix this issue Denis?
Andreas Grech
see my answer above
Denis Troller
+7  A: 

What you need is to build an expression tree that LinqToSQL can understand. Assuming your "id" property is always named "id":

public virtual T GetById<T>(short id)
            var itemParameter = Expression.Parameter(typeof(T), "item");
            var whereExpression = Expression.Lambda<Func<T, bool>>
                new[] { itemParameter }
            var table = DB.GetTable<T>();
            return table.Where(whereExpression).Single();

This should do the trick. It was shamelessly borrowed from this blog. This is basically what LinqToSQL does when you write a query like

var Q = from t in Context.GetTable<T)()
        where t.id == id
        select t;

You just do the work for LTS because the compiler cannot create that for you, since nothing can tell enforce that T has an "id" property, and you cannot map an arbitrary "id" property from an interface to the database.

==== UPDATE ====

OK, here's a simple implementation for finding the PK name, assuming there is only one (not a composite PK), and assuming all is well type-wise (that is, your pK is compatible with the "short" type you use in the GetById function):

public virtual T GetById<T>(short id)
                var itemParameter = Expression.Parameter(typeof(T), "item");
                var whereExpression = Expression.Lambda<Func<T, bool>>
                    new[] { itemParameter }
                var table = DB.GetTable<T>();
                return table.Where(whereExpression).Single();

    public string GetPrimaryKeyName<T>()
                var type = Mapping.GetMetaType(typeof(T));

                var PK = (from m in type.DataMembers
                          where m.IsPrimaryKey
                          select m).Single();
                return PK.Name;
Denis Troller
And what is the solution to overcome different field names?
Andreas Grech
as in automatically, not specifying them in an abstract parameter from the sub class or anything that requires further maintenance
Andreas Grech
you could try to extract it from the DataContext's MappingSource I think. Let me see...
Denis Troller
Found the solution! I'm using his GetPrimaryKey() extension method he has in his MVc open source website. Will post the solution in a bit
Andreas Grech
I did not see it in his post, so I got rid of it. Here's a possible implementation.
Denis Troller
also, you really should build some caching around that, so that you don't go around querying for the PK each time you call, but that is left as an exercise to the reader (or is left out for the sake of brevity, peek your favorite disclaimer)
Denis Troller
I download the Suket.Shop (mvs website) he has and searched in his files for that GetPrimaryKey function heh.
Andreas Grech
...and now I have quite a lot of work to do to fully understanding his methods, as regards Expression Trees and Funcs because I haven't yet really delved deeped inside those.
Andreas Grech
For info, until .NET 4.0 ships, there are very good reasons (with LINQ-to-SQL) to use Single(pred) rather than Where(pred).Single() - it avoids a round-trip to the server for primary key fetches (where it has already seen the object).
Marc Gravell
Thanks for the info. My VB habits show, I very rarely use the method form of queries because it is so much easier in query form in VB :)
Denis Troller

System.NotSupportedException: The member 'MusicRepo_DataContext.IHasID.ID' has no supported translation to SQL.

Hi, the simple workaround to your initial problem is to specify an Expression. See below, works like a charm for me.

public interface IHasID
    int ID { get; set; }
DataContext [View Code]:

namespace MusicRepo_DataContext
    partial class Artist : IHasID
        [Column(Name = "ArtistID", Expression = "ArtistID")]
        public int ID
            get { return ArtistID; }
            set { throw new System.NotImplementedException(); }

Cheers, Dan