It's not like martial arts, where learning two very different styles at the same time can confuse your muscle memory and prevent progress.
Maybe the only down-side is that by dividing your attention, you divide your progress. But that's not necessarily a big deal.
I would say that JavaScript is a decent one to learn not only for the obvious functionality and ubiquity, but also because it has C-style syntax. In fact, if you do enough PHP and web work, eventually you will probably need JavaScript.
JavaScript is not among my favorite languages and can be frustrating to deal with especially depending on your IDE, but it's a fact of life right now, and C-style syntax is widely used and good to understand. With that you get some hooks upon which you might hang, say, C# or Java. And so many others.
As for how many languages I know...
I'm sure I've "known" at least a dozen things that could qualify as languages. Right now I feel pretty strong in, Html, Sql/TSql, Xml, and probably a few others - and some of those are barely languages, but what do you think those L's stand for? :)
I will tell you this: learn as many languages as you can. Not necessarily all at once and not necessarily deeply, but indulge and cultivate that curiosity (it's a core developer attribute!), because more languages == more perspective.
One last thought: JQuery is a fantastic tool that makes JavaScript more bearable. It's very powerful and you get instant eye candy. Once you've got your head around the syntax of JS, I would recommend looking at it.