



Is there a way to disable printing in Internet Explorer without writing a shell around the browser API? A GPO would be the best method, but I'm certainly open for anything.

+1  A: 

This is a difficult one, but in order to block printing, at least the content but not the paper, on a previous project of mine, I used the following:

<style type="text/css" media="print">
    body {

When they print the page, it is blank.

Tom Anderson
Tricky, but could be easily circumvented.
True, but most common users won't realize this.
Tom Anderson
+2  A: 

What are you trying to prevent by disabling printing? If you're trying to stop them from printing stuff and taking it home, there's a couple different ways around that, without printing. Including

  1. Copy and paste to Word
  2. Screen Shots
  3. File -> Save As
  4. Look through the cache files and grab it from there.
It's basically at a kiosk type of system where another application runs that has to support printing so anyone going through the above steps would probably get noticed. I think it's more of a simple prevention they need. If someone is going through that stuff, more power to them.
+5  A: 

There are registry settings to do so. For example.

JP Alioto
Don't know why you got down voted, so i'm voting you back up, this is probably the most correct answer so far. Actually provides a way of blocking saving the file also.
this works as long as you have control of the machine.
Micky McQuade
Control of the machine is implied in the question.
JP Alioto
We will have control of the machine and this should work perfectly fine. Thanks!